Tuesday 15 July 2014

The EXCLUSIVE Package of The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

Regular Price: $67 Today: $27

At The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

Here's what includes in the package:

You’ll finally learn EXACTLY what “fattening” ingredients and chemicals to avoid when you shop for your proteins, carbs, and fats – plus the RIGHT choices to cook and eat in order to make stubborn belly fat your body’s “go to” energy source on a daily ongoing basis. You’ll be able to skim through the simple recommendations and immediately start “swapping” out fat STORING foods for brand new, delicious fat BURNING foods starting TODAY.

The Truth About Condiments, Snacks & Seasonings

Most people associate fat burning foods with things like bland and boring broccoli and chicken. Then they turn around and season their foods with chemicals, preservatives, and “unknown” fat-storing ingredients just to try and make it “taste” good.
You’ll actually become ADDICTED to healthy foods after you discover how easy and simple this kind of eating can be.
The Truth About Drinks

Believe it or not, if you drink calorie-free alternatives like Vitamin Water, diet sodas or ANY type of diet juices you’re basically STOPPING your fat loss.

Inside this guide, you’ll learn exactly what you should drink to support your weight loss, but most importantly “how” to substitute your favorite unhealthy drinks for equally delicious tasting fat-burning alternatives.

Açai berry, pomegranate... can these superfoods REALLY help you burn fat faster? Or will they only make your wallet slimmer and your waistline bigger over the long haul?
In this eye-opening guide, Nick will give you the real truth about all the “scammy” superfoods you should avoid, along with the rarely used superfoods that are worth your money and give you REAL fat-burning benefits after you drink them.  

   The Truth About Your Grocery Cart                          
There’s no doubt shopping for REAL fat burning foods can be a complete nightmare. After all, most grocery stores market and advertise fake “Franken-Foods” as being healthy.
In this guide, you’ll learn precisely WHAT foods you need to put in your grocery cart every week when you’re shopping so you’ll always be eating the best fat burning foods.

Dangerous heavy metals, chemicals, and hidden fillers inside your protein powder... fat burning stimulants that damage your heart and can potentially cause heart attacks...
There are literally thousands of reasons why you shouldn’t invest in just ANY random supplement. That’s becausenone of them are regulated. Sad but true.
When you download this guide, you’ll learn what products and companies are worthy of using. Just a few basic recommendations can make a world of difference in your plan.
“Fixing” your fat loss nutrition isn’t just about having the right knowledge.
Just think about it. You probably knowabout which better food choices you should make. But many times you simply don’t because life gets in the way.
The 4 Step Diet Makeover will end your frustration and teach you exactly how tocreate a consistent, fat-burning environment in your life 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week.

Receive Your Discounted Price Of Just $27 ...
PLUS All The Bonuses (A Real $197 Value)

Regular Price: $67 Today: $27

Visit The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

Information by: Pineault, N. (2014) Truthaboutfatburningfoods.com.

More information available at The Truth About Fat Burning Foods  website.

Real Customers and Experts' Reviews of Truth About Burning Foods

Nick's book The Truth About Fat Burning Foods, makes healthy eating simple. I like it because it is clear and specific. 

I also like that Nick explains the reasoning behind why you should and shouldn't eat certain foods -understanding why I am doing something allows me to really get behind it. The book is also a great resource to go back to when I have a questions, or before I go grocery shopping.

 I highly recommend the book, not only for people who want to be healthier, but for those who wants to learn more about nutrition and what are putting into our bodies 

Cary B. , Miami, Florida

Having been around the industry for over a decade, I can tell you that this is the real deal. So many people will benefit from this product 

Jason Phillips, Physical Transformation Expert, at jasonphillipsfitness.com

As a personal trainer, it is imperative for me to have reliable nutritional information to refer my client to. Unfortunately in today's society, nutrition advice has completely left the bounds of common sense, it's beyond over complicated and frustrating, not to mention most of the time "the experts" are just plain incorrect. 

When I first downloaded Nick's first book, I actually laughed because of the simplistic approach he decides to take. It was really as if he designed book for child, which I wasn't insulted by the slightest because let's face it, with all the saturation of information out there these days, our attention spans are quite short. I found it to be a great stater for just about anyone because tit is so "short and sweet". It's easy to make some of the changes immediately and grow from there. Simply put, it's nothing overwhelming. 

These books have dead on information, and they are very user friendly. That makes them perfect for just the individual, but it's also a phenomenal resource and reference opportunity for those in Health and Fitness industry. It can be very challenging for me to find a source for my clients that I trust implicitly, but thankfully Nick has become one of those sources. 
Bethany James, Personal Trainer in San Jose, CA 

Nick Pineaultl's e-book "The Truth About Fat Burning Foods" are a superb source of information for those who want to improve their nutrition intake and lead a well-educated healthy lifestyle. Unlike other e-books, which often make unsupported claims about what's best for your health. "The Truth About Fat Burning Foods" contains suggestion based n evidence from studies. This series of e-book bring together well-researched facts about a format that is interesting, comprehensible and attractive. 

Brianna Hatswell, Medical student 

Nick has put together an absolute encyclopaedia of nutrition. I've been studying nutrition for 15 years and this is the most well put together resource I've come across yet. 

A meticulously researched collection that is presented in a very easy to read and entertaining format. Nick includes everything from simple to follow actions steps, helpful substitution tips, plenty of myth busting and even a recipe for a heathy chocolate cake...seriously !

If you want less fat and to live healthier The Truth About Fat Burning Foods is a must read. 

James Giada, Fat Loss Expert and Owner of GO Nutrition & Fitness


Read More Reviews about Customers' insights at The Truth About Fat Burning Foods  website.
Information by: Pineault, N. (2014) Truthaboutfatburningfoods.com.

24 Hour Diet Makeover - START TODAY

Here’s just a taste of what’s inside The TRUTH About Fat Burning Foods that will transform your kitchen and reprogram your metabolism to use fat as a fuel source FIRST, in as little as 24 hours...
Get ready to discover…
  • The 3 biggest nutrition mistakes 99.9% of people make and falsely believe in that STOPS your body from burning belly fat every day. (now you can avoid this starting today)
  • How you can salt your food ALL YOU WANT, using a specific “healthy” salt that, believe it or not, actually regulates your blood pressure instead of slowly killing you. And shocking facts about why cutting down on your sodium intake may actually   be destroying your health.
  • Mom was wrong: Milk is NOT a good source of calcium. In fact, the majority of over-the-counter milks will actually “leech” calcium form our bodies! (you’ll learn exactly why on page 15)
  • How the RIGHT kind of red meat can actually help you burn more fat. It’s not hard to find, but you have to know what you’re looking for or you could get “tricked”. (details on page 8)
  • How it’s now possible to eat noodles every day, if you want, even on a low-carb diet. (the delicious fat-burning guidelines are found on page 63)
  • The “hidden” artificial sweeteners and specific ingredients that make you gain more fat, even when they contain ZERO calories…
  • The one and only all-natural, calorie-free sweetener you can use every day without gaining an ounce of fat. It’s 300 times sweeter than sugar, but buyers BEWARE: Most brands that sell this kind of sweetener are hiding fat-storing sugar or insulin spiking corn derivatives.
  • Discover EXACTLY what “healthy” foods and supplements contain dangerous heavy metals, so you can avoid the nasty fat-storing side effects.
  • Why 20% of all the olive oils sold in the US are FAKE and exactly how you can use the “fridge test” on page 40 to be SURE you’re not wasting your money on unhealthy fake oil!
  • The one kind of healthy fish you should NEVER eat, because it will flood your bloodstream and your body with chemicals, which can cause inflammation, block fat-loss, and increase your risk of infertility…
  • Why almost ALL soy products are horrible for you and need to be avoided, plus the one exception to this rule that's easy to find. Most vegans and vegetarians are completely UNAWARE of these shocking facts.
  • The REAL truth about whether or not whole wheat is healthy. Or is it really one of the BIGGEST food scams in the history of the world? These answers and findings will blow you away.
  • How and why most “Gluten Free” foods can make you store MORE fat, along with the proven 3-step gluten test will help you to determine if you should ignore the gluten fad or use it religiously.
  • Why foods and labels that say Organic and “All-Natural” may be the ONE thing preventing you from finally saying "good bye" to your belly fat if you’re not careful.
  • The WORST kind of chips you can eat, and a simple recipe to prepare delicious, mouth watering chips you can binge on without guilt.
  • And much, much more...

        Get Yours Today For 

            ONLY $27 at 

Information by: Pineault, N. (2014) Truthaboutfatburningfoods.com.
More information available at The Truth About Fat Burning Foods  website.

About the Author Of The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

About the Author:

How Nick Discovered The Food Secrets That Overcome “Bad” Genetics And END Slow Fat-Loss In LESS Than 24 Hours…

Nick Pineault is an Expert Author and Food Detective, but his friends call him “The Nutrition Nerd”. He has spent the last 7+ years relentlessly researching, reading articles, and analyzing studies to master his knowledge on nutrition and the unique power of REAL fat burning foods.
What he has uncovered is startling and it exposes the hundreds of dirty little tricks the big food industry, the diet industry, and even Governments try to hide from people because they don’t want them to know the real truth. These dirty little food tricks age you FASTER, block your body’s ability to burn fat and prevent you from feeling great.
Even though the food industry and traditional dieticians tend to hate him for being honest, he is on a mission. So although his findings are highly controversial, dozens of fitness professionals, world-renowned fat loss experts, nutritionists, and doctors from all around the globe put their seal of approval on his research.
Ever since Nick discovered the shocking truths about a lot of so-called “health foods”, He feel a sense of duty and obligation to share with the REAL truth with the entire world.
That is why he has made it his life mission to transform the life of 1,000,000 people by 2020 with all his food secrets. And that all the tremendous research and studies are put all in his books. So get copies of yours today to find out EXACTLY what to eat and what to avoid so you can stay lean, year in and year out, without dealing with restrictive, complicated diets, ridiculous one hour exercise sessions, OR having to go broke buying expensive Organic Food every week.

Regular Price: $67 
Today: $27

Information by: Pineault, N. (2014) Truthaboutfatburningfoods.com.
More information available at The Truth About Fat Burning Foods  website.