Tuesday 15 July 2014

About the Author Of The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

About the Author:

How Nick Discovered The Food Secrets That Overcome “Bad” Genetics And END Slow Fat-Loss In LESS Than 24 Hours…

Nick Pineault is an Expert Author and Food Detective, but his friends call him “The Nutrition Nerd”. He has spent the last 7+ years relentlessly researching, reading articles, and analyzing studies to master his knowledge on nutrition and the unique power of REAL fat burning foods.
What he has uncovered is startling and it exposes the hundreds of dirty little tricks the big food industry, the diet industry, and even Governments try to hide from people because they don’t want them to know the real truth. These dirty little food tricks age you FASTER, block your body’s ability to burn fat and prevent you from feeling great.
Even though the food industry and traditional dieticians tend to hate him for being honest, he is on a mission. So although his findings are highly controversial, dozens of fitness professionals, world-renowned fat loss experts, nutritionists, and doctors from all around the globe put their seal of approval on his research.
Ever since Nick discovered the shocking truths about a lot of so-called “health foods”, He feel a sense of duty and obligation to share with the REAL truth with the entire world.
That is why he has made it his life mission to transform the life of 1,000,000 people by 2020 with all his food secrets. And that all the tremendous research and studies are put all in his books. So get copies of yours today to find out EXACTLY what to eat and what to avoid so you can stay lean, year in and year out, without dealing with restrictive, complicated diets, ridiculous one hour exercise sessions, OR having to go broke buying expensive Organic Food every week.

Regular Price: $67 
Today: $27

Information by: Pineault, N. (2014) Truthaboutfatburningfoods.com.
More information available at The Truth About Fat Burning Foods  website.

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